Forklifts can exhibit little problems or big problems. When you have a problem with your equipment, should you shutdown or keep working?
Naturally it depends on the problem. If there’s a major issue the answer is obvious. But what about little stuff? What kinds of problems require removal from service according to 1910.178(p)(1)?
Place a checkmark next to those items which you feel justify removing the forklift from service. Some of these items are pretty serious, some are judgment calls.
- Sticky steering
- Broken horn
- Defective parking brake
- Squeaky brakes
- Inaccurate or non-functioning gauge
- Cut tire
- Tire with pieces of rubber missing
- Loose bolts
- Missing bolts
- Stretched chain
- Unusual noise or vibration when operating the hydraulics
- Sticking hoist
- Wobble when driving or braking
- Damage to the overhead guard
- Cut or abraded seat belt
- Small hydraulic leak
Any prudent operator will adhere to the saying: “When in doubt, take it out (of service)”. But if all workers in the U.S. were prudent, training and certification wouldn’t be such a big deal.
If you would like to share your experiences/photos of forklift incidents that can educate others on the principles of safe forklift operation please send them to:
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